Fuel consumption labeling
Current Standard
Số: 59/2018/TT-BGTVT
Số: 1500/QĐ-BCT
New motorcycles and motorbikes using petrol, diesel oil, liquefied petroleum gas (LPG), and natural gas (NG) that are domestically manufactured, assembled, or imported.
Regulatory Requirements
Fuel consumption refers to liters (L) per 100 kilometers (km) for petrol, LPG, and diesel vehicles, or cubic meters (m3) per 100 km for NG vehicles. The test cycle for two-wheeled motorcycles is mandated by ECE Reg 40. The test cycle of motorcycles other than two-wheelers and motorbikes is mandated by ECE Reg 47. In the case of vehicle types with new structures or technology not subject to existing regulations, the fuel consumption rate shall be tested according to the corresponding standards and regulations of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE), the European Commission (EC), or the Eurasian Economic Commission (EEC). The testing of vehicles’ fuel consumption shall be carried out independently or in combination with the testing of emissions.
The fuel consumption values on labels shall come from a testing establishment or laboratory of vehicle fuel consumption rates, which is a testing organization either accredited domestically to provide conformity assessment services or accredited by international accreditation organizations that have already concluded agreements on mutual accreditation, including the International Laboratory Accreditation Conference (ILAC) and the Asia-Pacific Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation (APLAC).
The fuel consumption rates to be publicized must be no less than 4% of the average measurement results stated in testing reports. For imported vehicles of the same type, importers may use the value of the publicized fuel consumption rates for registration without having to undergo fuel consumption rate testing.
The fuel consumption rates will be published on the quality management agency’s website, or on the websites of vehicle manufacturers, importers, or traders, if applicable. Manufacturers and importers shall print energy labels under the Ministry of Industry and Trade’s regulations and place them on easily visible positions before listing them for sale.
Regulatory Documents
Guiding the energy labeling for domestically manufactured, assembled, or imported motorcycles and motorbikes (No.59/2018/TT-BGTVT)
Issuance of energy label model for motorcycle and motorcycle (No.1500/QĐ-BCT)