Russia: Light-duty: Emissions

Russia: Light-duty: Emissions


Euro V standards apply to all light-duty vehicles in Russia as of 2016. Russian standards are harmonized with European standards and apply to imported vehicles as well as vehicles that are manufactured within Russia.

Standard type
Conventional pollutant emission limits

Regulating Body
Federal Agency for Technical Regulating and Metrology (Ростехрегулирование)

Current Standard
Euro V

All vehicles in categories M1, M2, N1 and N2 with a reference mass not exceeding 2610 kg


Russia follows the European Union (EU) system of vehicle tailpipe emission standards, although implementation has been 6-10 years behind the EU. Official implementation of the Euro track in Russia began with Euro 2 in 2006. Euro 1 cars were encouraged to be introduced as early as 1999, though there was no Governmental Decree and the timetable was not followed by manufacturers.

The Special Technical Regulations on Requirements for Emissions of Hazardous (Polluting) Substances by Vehicles, Resolution No. 609, and its subsequent amendments, establish the timeline for implementation of emission standards. These standards harmonize with EU standards and apply to both imported vehicles and those produced in Russia.

The timeline for introduction of EU light-duty vehicle tailpipe emission standards in Russia is shown in the following table:

Emission Regulations for Light-Duty Vehicles
Standard Implementation Date
(new vehicle type approvals)
Implementation Date
(all vehicle sales and registrations)
Reference Legislation
Euro 2 April 2006 Content equivalent to ECE R83.03
Euro 3 January 2008 Content equivalent to ECE R83.05 Stage III
Euro 4 January 2010 January 2013 Content equivalent to ECE R83.05 Stage IV
Euro 5 January 2014 January 2016 Content equivalent to ECE R83.06

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