Canada: Fuels: Biodiesel

Canada: Fuels: Biodiesel


Currently, the specifications for fuels containing biodiesel are analogous to to regular diesel fuel standards. Specifically, biodiesel that is blended into fuel must meet the ASTM D6751 or the EN 14214 standard, with 0.05% sulfur by weight.

Standard type
Biodiesel specifications

Current Standard

Blends of automotive diesel fuel containing low levels of Biodiesel Esters (blends from B1 to B5)


In 2011, CAN/CGSB-3.520 established specifications for blends of automotive diesel fuel containing low levels of Biodiesel Esters (blends from B1 to B5). Most of the requirements mirror those of the automotive diesel fuel specification, CAN/CGSB-3.517. The B1-B5 standard requires that the biodiesel component blended into the fuel meets either ASTM D6751 or EN 14214. A specification for blends with B6 to B20 is being developed.

Technical Standards

CAN/CGSB-3.517 & CAN/CGSB-3.520 Biodiesel Blend (B1-B5) Specifications
Property Value Test Method
Flash point, min > 40°C D 93 or D 3828
Water and sediment, max 0.05% vol D 1796 (mod.) or D 2709
Distillation T90, max Type A: 290.0°C
Type B: 360.0°C
D 86
Kinematic viscosity Type A: 1.30 – 3.60 mm2/s
Type B: 1.70-4.10 mm2/s
D 445
Ash, max 0.010% wt D 482
Sulfur, max 0.05% wt D2622 or D5453 or CAN/CGSB-3.0 No. 16.0
Cooper strip corrosion, max No. 1 D 130
Cetane number, min 40.0 D 613
Electrical conductivity, min 25 pS/m D 2624
Low-temperature flow, one of:
– cloud point
– wax appearance point
Location & season dependant D 2500 or D 5773 D 3117 CAN/CGSB-3.0 No. 140.1
Carbon residue, max Type A: 0.10% wt
Type B: 0.16% wt
D 4530
Acid number, max 0.10 mg KOH/g D 974
Lubricity When operability temp. < -20°C min. lubricity requirement must be met. Several options are available to measure lubricity. SAE952370 or SAE981363 or SAE961944 or D6079 or D6078

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